We would like to thank everyone for their support in creating an amazing community among SpartanCoin users. We have an opportunity coming up in the next few months to help push Spartancoin into the spotlight. Below are images of what we are making and what our needs are.
Any Amount of Donations Here:
BTC address: 16S2fJzbfQrpHk3YboHizckTv58AcPGhXt
We are looking to make as many shirts as we can for this event. We are reaching out to forums and other communities surrounding this event to get more people to wear the shirt during the race. We currently have 12 participants ready to wear our shirt. So the more shirts we can make the better.
Our cost: $15 ea.
We are also printing 5,000 - 10,000 business cards with 2 sided print to hand out during the event.
Our cost: $250 max.
We will also be handing out paper wallets at this event. Our biggest goal here is to get as many people interested in Spartancoin as we can. If you can offer up SPN for this portion please do. We will need BTC to help with printing costs as well.
A custom paper wallet design will be made specifically for this event.
SPN Donations here: SHyTSYdAmmzqWp7TNNvWS6Tq79MdJZcC1Y
Thank you Spartans for your support. We are on the road to greatness. Aroo!!